The Troubling Disappearance of Kim Jong Un

Alan Lam, Staff Reporter

On September 3rd, North Korean leader Kim Jong Un disappeared from the public eye. Since then, he has missed many crucial events, like the celebration of the founding of the Democratic People’s Republic of North Korea, a session of the Supreme people’s assembly, and the 17th anniversary of Kim Jong-il’s election as general secretary.

During his absence many people speculated on what happened to Kim Jong Un. Many rumors floated about that Kim Jong Un was falling ill, while others speculated that he had been the victim of a coup. Most of these rumors were dismissed when Kim Jong Un finally made a reappearance on October 13. Many news informers, including CNN, Huffington Post, and The Guardian showed pictures of Kim Jong Un visiting the Natural Energy Institute of the State Academy of Science.

However, despite this reappearance there was not any reason given as to why he was absent for such a long time.

Furthermore, according to ABC News, there have been reports that Hwang Pyong So, a high ranking Korean official, has been visiting South Korea lately, something that strictly went against North Korea’s and Kim Jong Un ideals. Hwang Pyong So has also had quite a strange increase in power, going from a desk worker to the top military aide for North Korea.

North Korea has also declared that 2015 will become the unification year for Korea on October 7 and it appears that they are prepared to take South Korea by force. as told by IBT news reports. With all these strange events happening coincidentally at the same time it almost seems too perfect, as though it was planned. It is far too soon to let this strange disappearance slide, even if Kim Jong Un isn’t dying or being overthrown, something is definitely happening. Everyone should beware of things to come, which may not be for the better.