MBHS Seniors Applying To Colleges

David Yang, Staff Reporter

In the final year of high school, many students have different feelings about the college process. Ms.Gibbons, the college counselor of MBHS, offers individualized sessions on the basic knowledge of college applications and what colleges to consider. Seniors and Juniors feel that they do get support from Ms. Gibbons, and it is up to the students themselves to make their own decisions and judgments.

When asking an MBHS Senior to share her opinions on applying to colleges, Sarah Ayala said, “we are lucky to have such a good college counselor to give us guidance and support  on applying to colleges. Ms.Gibbons is supportive, and she does way more than she needs to. Because of her, I feel like I’m prepared for college.”

Ms.Davidson is both an Art teacher and a Senior advisor. She shared her opinion on MBHS Seniors applying to college. She said, “I think in this school, Naviance was established so that people can have access to all different kinds of information on colleges. Our college counselor also gives sessions to Juniors and Seniors about basic college info. There is no excuse for a student not having enough information on colleges when they are given all this guidance and technology online.”

Overall, the school is giving enough guidance and knowledge to students on college. Students are responsible for researching deeper and knowing what they really want from college.