How to Maintain Good Grades

Nia Savory, Staff Reporter

Attention all MBHS students. Are you tired of looking at failing and borderline grades in Pupil Path? Do you want see grades of an 80 or higher?  Well here are some tips to get the grades you know you deserve.

Tip #1 – Always do your homework. Homework can be the majority of what makes up your grade. If you have trouble with understanding or completing your homework, take the advantage of office hours.

Tip #2 – Go to office hours. Office hours are a great benefit to finish any work, talk with your teacher, and receive extra help. Do not take office hours for granted, it is a very positive way to get work done and let your teacher know that you care for your grades.

Tip #3 – Focus on projects. Projects can make or break your grade and it is important to understand exactly what your teacher wants to see in that project. Be sure to understand the project and ask for any clarification from your teacher just to be sure. If you are doing a group project, it is useful to give different tasks of the project to your partner(s) so that it can be finished in a short amount of time.

Tip #4 – Keep good notes. Be sure to have all the notes you need to assist you in studying for a test or pretty much any assignment. Do not throw away old notes just because you may think you do not need. Notes are always handy in time for future work. If you would like to remove some notes, ask your teacher ahead of time.

Tip #5 – Get organized. Find your own way to be organized if it makes you comfortable, or I would suggest to either have a binder or notebook for each class. Organization helps you know where your notes, homework, etc. are when you need them.

Tip #6 – Talk with your teachers. Talking with your teachers after or before class lets them know that you take serious initiative about your grades. Teachers are there to help you and love to give out high grades for the students who care. They would also love to see a progression in grades, that lets you see how good you are improving.

Tip #7 Pupil Path check-ins. Pupil Path is a great way to see where you are in class, what assignments are missing or needed, and shows your class average. It breaks down in categories of homework, exams, projects, and class work and participation. Check in at your Pupil Path account at the end of every week to know where you are at or where you need to be.

I hope these tips are helpful for MBHS students. I believe these tips will help you become the best student you can be.