Let’s Discuss Global Warming…You know Because it’s a Real Icebreaker


Christian Madrigal, Staff Reporter


Knock, knock.

Who’s there?  

Climate change. Yes, climate change. Climate change or global warming is a change in global or regional climate patterns, attributed largely to the increased levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide produced by the use of fossil fuels. It is a very real problem and it is a topic currently up in flames due to our country’s current administration. There are many people that aren’t properly educated on the way our environment is slowly regressing due to the exhaustion it has withheld. Climate change is a problem we contribute to in many ways, so it’s time to address its importance and why you should care.

We all pollute and contribute to climate change in ways we are not conscious of. For example, mass produced goods like food and clothing all have carbon footprints. Carbon footprints are the amount of carbon dioxide and other carbon compounds that are emitted due to the consumption of fossil fuels. According the an article by The Guardian, “some 70% of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions [are] associated with cotton clothing” due to production and transportation. Consumer goods are produced and taken to retailers at the expense of clean air.

The huge amounts of carbon dioxide in the air have other impacts on our ecosystems. A NASA article by Megan Scudellari highlights that “the oceans currently absorb about a quarter of the carbon dioxide that humans put out into the air,” this carbon absorption decreases the pH of the water, making it more acidic. The carbon emissions aren’t just reducing the quality of air humans are exposed to, but they are reducing the chances of plankton (microscopic organisms and other small crustaceans) formation which are vital to our food chain. Plankton feeds the lowermost organisms on our food chain that in turn feed the rest of the aquatic ecosystem.

Many people are ignorant to what mother nature has endured. Many have no clue what goes on around them. An anonymous Millennium Brooklyn High School (MBHS) senior, who when questioned about their knowledge of climate change stated, “all I know is that polar bears are affected, and I care for them.” They brought up an important point in regards to polar bears, but they seemed unsure of the exact causes.

Climate change is causing the glaciers to melt. Why is this a problem? Well for one, sea levels are rising due to the melting of glaciers, which can cause destruction of homes near coastal areas. Rising sea levels cause more negative economic impacts such as destroying farms near deltas and fertile lands. Ultimately, it leaves polar bears without a place to roam due to decrease in sea ice. One needs to take a stand for the planet that has provided for us and make an initiative to educate ourselves more on the effects of climate change.

Many people don’t pay much mind to the effects of climate change and still keep polluting because they are in the mindset that they can’t make a difference. We can all make a difference, because I am pretty sure a lethal environment doesn’t sound too appealing. Not caring about air pollution will increase the chance of people contracting all sorts of respiratory issues.

It isn’t too late to mitigate climate change, for starters,  people can reduce their consumption for. Ms. Sasson, an AP Environmental Science teacher in MBHS, advices people to “stop using single-use items and to stop excess consumption”, she states that “instead of having 27 pairs of Jays, just don’t.” Every product we own has gone through some sort of processing. Reducing our material intake can reduce our carbon footprint.

Ultimately, climate change is an issue worth discussing because as humans, we have the mental capacity to slow it. Reducing consumption of unnecessary items can save money and the planet. The environment is more precious than any Supreme T-shirt or any fad, therefore, one has to care for it because it has provided for humans since their existence.