Scheduling Your Way Out of Procrastination

Calvin and Hobbes, by Bill Watterson

Calvin and Hobbes, by Bill Watterson

Lars Breski-Thompson, Staff Reporter


Procrastination is a huge problem among students. A study done by Studymode showed that 87% of the 1,300 students they interviewed claimed they procrastinate, with 45% of those students claiming that it negatively impacts their grades.

As with all problems, there is a solution. While not all solutions work for everyone, one that works well for some is using a schedule to plot out everything that you are going to do.

When scheduling, you have to remember to start small. Begin by scheduling your time after school. Make an hourly planner and write down everything you have to do once you get home. Plot some time for homework, maybe a break, dinner, etc. Do so till you plan your entire afternoon and evening out. Something important to remember is to add some cushion time to each of the things you do. For instance it is stated on a Wikihow article that was expertly reviewed by Jessica B. Casey, that you should add at least 25% extra time on each of the things you schedule. After planning everything that you need to do, make sure you have time to reward yourself. Working to hard on a project or set of assignments for too long can cause you to burn out and start to do worse. So be sure to every once in awhile, watch some youtube, search Facebook, post a ridiculous meme on reddit, whatever you do to relax.

However, you need to remember to set a timer, not keeping to it will cause you to fall off track, and get distracted, which is what we are trying to prevent. With this in mind, there is one last thing that should be remembered.  It is explained by Peter Bregman who wrote a harvard business review article, that he believes that to achieve these sorts of goals, you have to stick to a ritual. In doing so, you train your mind slowly overtime to stick to sticking to a strict schedule, and to reward yourself for your hardwork and dedication.

Keeping to a schedule should allow you to complete your homework faster and give you perhaps some more free time, so go out and start scheduling your life today!

If you want to get started on plotting out your days, this is a great website to make hourly planners: