Peer Mediation: Solve The Issues, Save The Tissues

Daniel Rentzer, Staff Reporter

Starting within the next few weeks, Millennium Brooklyn High School will be introducing peer mediation.  Peer mediation is, according to Ms. Hong’s advisory announcements, “about effective communication, problem solving, or helping your peers resolve conflict peacefully.” The purpose of peer mediation in MBHS is to create a positive and welcoming school environment.  It’s also meant to empower students and increase their self esteem.  Not only can you go to peer mediation to get help with resolving problems you have, but you can be a peer mediator.  Some students gave their views on peer mediation.  Sam Hiller, a senior at MBHS, stated “Peer mediation looks like it will be a helpful place where students can go to solve issues, internal or with others.  I think it will improve the culture of the school.”  Mateusz Miroslaw, another senior, said “Personally, I don’t think that other people getting involved works.  It always works out best when the problem is solved within the people it involves.”  So there are diverse perspectives on peer mediation, but only the future holds what the effects will be.